St Patricks Iten High school

The History of St.Patricks ,Iten is never complete without a full chapter on the Legendary Bro Marcellus who put in place a culture and set foundation that has transcended generations and produced some of the Kenya’s finest. He was the principal in 1968 and his work still being felt to date.

Here is the story of St. Patrick’s Parochial school in Iten.

Marcellus James Broderick

From Croughwell, Co Galway, Bro. Marcellus served his first nine years of missionary work in Los Angeles, California. It is on the beaches of California that he first came into contact with the relatively new game of movement volleyball, which attempted to combine beach volleyball with the more widely accepted fixed position game that was already quite popular in Kenya. In the early 1960’s he began to correspond with Ambrose Hannon, the then Headmaster of St. Patrick’s Iten. In 1967 he was transferred to Kenya, first to the newly acquired Harambee Sec. School, then eventually in 1968 to SPHS. He may be remembered for many outstanding things in the life of the early Brothers in Kenya.

Once settled in Saint Patrick’s, he taught the boys the modern version of volleyball. They became quite good at it and went up and down the province playing other schools and institutions with much success. In 1970, along with other coaches, Bro. Marcellus formed the National Volleyball Association. This Association decided to hold an invitational tournament with schools from across Kenya being offered a chance to participate.

With the return of Simeon Geraghty to Ireland in July 1976, Marcellus was appointed Headmaster of St. Patrick’s, Iten. He had been in the school since Jan. 1968 and had been Deputy since 1974. The school was about to enter what could be considered its ‘glory days’ both inside and outside the classroom. Like his predecessors at the helm, Ambrose and Simeon, Marcellus believed in a dynamic school which would excel in whatever areas it undertook. His motto seemed to have been ‘what ever you do, do well’ – no half measures. He saw the role of games and other co-curricular activities as important in the life of young people – the foundations of which were already in place in the school. But he would go on to build and raise them to new heights.

The school became a hive of activity under Marcellus. He himself lead the way continuing his role as coach of the Volleyball Team while motivating and mobilizing other members of staff to take other activities around the compound. Any teacher who showed an interest in a specific worthwhile activity got his full support and encouragement.

National titles became part of the school routine and Iten became a center of attraction for budding young sportsmen. Year after year the school was to the forefront of both sports and academics. ‘A’ Level results were among the best in the country while the ‘O’ Levels weren’t too far behind. Teachers worked hard and much was expected of them. Marcellus didn’t have much time for ‘slackers’. He could be seen pacing the length of the classroom verandah at 8a.m. sharp every weekday morning ensuring that all students and teachers were punctual.

He insisted on being given some lessons in the ‘A’ Level and examination classes. He often saw classwork as a relief from the office chores. He believed that the classroom was a good place to get to know students and also keep a finger on the ‘pulse’ of the student body. Mathematics was his favourite subject and he was instrumental is setting up the Iten Maths Contest in 1973, a competition which still continues among several schools to this day.

In 1986, he realized his time as Head was up. His heart wanted a new challenge. He decided the time to venture into the deep and set up a much needed Formation Programme for Kenyans to join the Patrician Brothers had come.

He moved to the Karuna Farm in Moiben and set up an initial residence in one of the out-houses that Mzee William Chemweno kindly made available to him for use as a retreat center. Eventually, he secured a plot of land in the Kapsoya area and went about trying to get a building ready for his intended purposes. The terrain was tough, and it took several months for anything remarkable to get going on that impossible site. Kapsoya House was to be the base of his most lasting contribution :The Formation Program of the Patrician Brothers which he contributed largely to putting in place.

Brother Colm O’Connell

O’Connell is considered the godfather of Kenyan running, and under him, St Patricks has produced numerous NCAA and Olympic champions, and world record holders.

In the heart of Kenya’s athletic powerhouse, one name resonates above all: Brother Colm O’Connell, affectionately known as the “Godfather of Kenyan Athletics.” Hailing from Ireland, O’Connell’s journey to Kenya began in 1976 when he ventured to St. Patrick’s High School in Iten to teach Geography. Little did he know that this decision would shape the future of Kenyan athletics.

Over the years, O’Connell has become synonymous with excellence, having coached a plethora of world-class athletes who have clinched over 20 gold medals at prestigious events like the Olympic Games and World Athletics Championships.

From David Rudisha’s record-breaking runs to Vivian Cheruiyot’s triumphant finishes, O’Connell’s guidance has propelled countless runners to the pinnacle of success. His legacy extends far beyond the tracks of Iten, with each gold medal serving as a testament to his unwavering dedication and unparalleled coaching prowess. In the annals of Kenyan athletics, Brother Colm O’Connell’s name will forever shine brightly, a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.

St Patricks Iten currently

St Patrick’s High School Iten was the first School in Kenya to acquire a Mercedes Bus .
The Bus was imported from Germany in 1984 and has served the school till now making lots of trips across East Africa.

With the ongoing development of Iten and its official designation as a Municipality in 2013, there is an anticipated rise in the student population in the coming years. The institution’s Master plan outlines a vision to enhance existing facilities by 2040, including the construction of additional dormitories, an athletic track, a rugby pitch, and multiple tennis and basketball courts.

St-Patrick School Iten has always been in the fore front of innovations. It was the first school in The Kenya to acquire a Mercedes bus and first in the are to acquire a Scania bus. 1989, it became the first school in Keiyo and the surrounding districts of the North Rift Region to acquire computers.

Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Roads and Transport – The Republic of Kenya who is an alumni addressing the students

Iten Elgeyo marakwet county Kenya

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