Training in Kenya long distance runners

As they say “Hard work betrays none. Much effort, much prosperity.” The Kenyan long distance training regimen, how it is done and where it is done.

As you Know most of the African nations really doesn’t have that greatest infrastructure. Kenya is trying to develop its infrastructure to benefit not only athletes but everyone. Running marathons is the top game in town here in and around Iten Kenya.

Kenyan runners keep their training up with the goal of getting sponsorship and great careers. The training and competition is simply fierce to say the least this is evident even in local races organized here in Kenya.

How long distance training is done in Kenya

There are two common ways on how long distance training is done here in Kenya; These long distance training may be done after every 3 weeks or if there is a build up to a major running event.

  1. Runners in training camps
  2. Individual long distance runners

Runners in training camps

Runners in training camps, from well established training camps like Chojo running club, Global training, HATC groups among many have proper managements with a couple of coaches, drivers and instructors where they train long distance as a group.

Chojo Project – 35km Long Run sweatelite

Runners from these groups have Flexible running routes, vehicles, private vans and others hire cars called matatus which normally does public transportation but they are always rented by these groups to use in their training.

Apart from these vehicles, these group does training with their coaches who instructs them on matters pacing during the training, They also supply water to athletes in bottles as the training goes on within every 5km. After they complete training, the vehicles carry them back to their camps.

Individual long distance runners

Individual long distance runners who are not so much priviledged always find ways to do their long distance training, They always meet up in points early in the morning where they can carry water bottles clinched in their fists, this they can drink and discard the bottles as the race picks up If not they hire motorcycle riders who follow them with water as they train.

These runners may need to carry some cash money in their pockets so as to travel back to their residences with convenience using public transport. Although some have improvised the training route in that it is two way. The long run starts from their residences and ends at the starting point.

Some individual runners are well off and own cars that they can let their spouses or coaches follow them as they train these runners are also the most flexible group since the runners can easily travel to their desired place of training at their convenient time.

Most of them even have cameramen who film the whole training for their social media accounts.

They can also finish their long run anywhere and visit a restaurant for refreshments without worrying so much about the inconveniences that can be found like the groups.

Long distance running routes in Kenya

Here are some of the long distance training routes around Iten Kenya

courtesy- Marathon Training in KENYA with LUIS ORTA
  1. Iten kaptarakwa road
  2. Iten kapsowar route
  3. Moiben route
  4. Kaptuli Naiberi road
  5. Kaptagat route

If you’re keen on exploring the world of marathons, embracing the thrill of running, and delving into the experiences of a Kenyan marathon runner, I’m here for you, I’ love writing articles and stories about running, marathons and Kenyan adventures, Some of my eBooks are available on Gumroad marketplace.

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