Geoffrey Kamworor accident & embracing recovery

In June 2020 Geoffrey Kamworor, faced a significant setback in his journey when he was involved in an accident and was forced to pull out of the Tokyo Olympics due to a foot injury. He shared the details of the incident and his inspiring road to recovery.

“It was on a Thursday,” Kamworor recalled, his voice resonating with resilience. “I was going for my training run, just a kilometer and a half away from home, when a motorbike collided with me.”

Courtesy NN running team-YouTube

The impact left Kamworor with minor injuries, but it was the fracture in his leg, particularly the tibia, that posed the greatest challenge. “I had to use crutches for like two months,” he recounted, reflecting on the arduous period of confinement and rehabilitation. “It was really a hard time for me, staying indoors without working, without running.”

Despite the adversity, Kamworor’s indomitable spirit led him to discover a new passion during his recovery journey. “After one and a half months, I was introduced to cycling,” he shared. “At first, it was really straining. I struggled to concentrate, following the guidance and mastering the movements. But gradually, I adapted.”

Cycling became not only a form of physical therapy but also a source of solace and joy for Kamworor. “I found solace in the long sessions,” he expressed, highlighting the therapeutic nature of the activity. “I could listen to music, feel the wind against my face, and reconnect with my support team.”

Kamworor’s support network played a pivotal role in his recovery process. From his family to his training mates and medical professionals, he found strength in their unwavering encouragement and assistance. “I have a lot of support from my big family,” he acknowledged gratefully. “And it motivates me to come back stronger, to reclaim my place in the world of athletics.”

Amidst his recovery journey, Kamworor experienced another significant milestone in his personal life—the arrival of triplets. “It came as a surprise, but we are really happy,” he beamed, reflecting on the newfound joys and responsibilities of parenthood. “We had a lot of support from family and friends, especially with the small kids.”

With determination and resilience, Kamworor gradually resumed his training regimen, surpassing milestones with each step. “I started with short runs, gradually building up my endurance,” he shared, pride evident in his voice. “Now, I’ve run up to 21 kilometers, and I’m happy about it.”

While the accident may have temporarily sidelined Kamworor from competitive racing, it did not dampened his spirit or ambition. “I missed a lot of things, especially the world championships,” he acknowledged. “But I know that I’ll come back stronger, and I’ll achieve great things.”

Kamworor recovered from the accident to win the 10,000metres race at the Kenyan trials that took place in 2021. He also made a return in December 2021 to finish fourth at the Valencia marathon and 18th at the 2022 Boston marathon before finishing fifth at the world athletics championship at the same year

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